ERT - Excellence in Research Task force
To oversee the drafting and implementation of the strategy with DR 147/2013 a specific work group was appointed, “Excellence in Research Task Force – ERT”, composed of the following members:
- prof.ssa Francesca Spigarelli, Dean’s delegate for the implementation of the principles of the European Research Associates’ Charter, with the role of co-ordinator.
- prof. Mariano Cingolani, Director of the Doctorate School
- prof. Alessio Cavicchi, research associate at the Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism.
- prof.ssa Benedetta Giovanola, research associate at the Department of Political Science, Communication and International Relations.
- prof.ssa Silvia Fiaschi, research associate at the Department of Humanities Studies
- prof.ssa Pamela Lattanzi, associate professor at the Department of Law
- prof.ssa Elisabetta Michetti, associate professor at the Department of Economics and law
- dott. Stefano Guerra, representative of doctoral students for the three year period 2013-2015
- dott. Diego Nunes, representative of foreign doctoral students
- dott.ssa Chiara Rinaldi, contract lecturer and collaborator at the Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism.
- sig.ra Daniela Donati, Human Resources Department, Manager of the Teaching Staff office
- dott.ssa Barbara Chiucconi, Research and Internationalisation Department, Manager of the International Research Office