Alessio Cavicchi is Associate Professor at the Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism at University of Macerata (Italy). He received his PhD in Economics of Food and Environmental Resources from University of Naples “Parthenope”. He previously got a Master of Science (MSc) in Food Economics and Marketing from University of Reading (UK). His main fields of interest and research are marketing and consumer food choice, sustainable tourism, rural branding and innovation in the agro-food sector. Currently he teaches "Place Branding and Rural Development" and "Food Economics and Marketing" in the degree of International Tourism and Destination Management. He has experience as an invited expert for several programmes and DGs of the European Commission in the food sector (DG RTD, DG Regio-Urbact, Joint Research Center, European Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation); moreover, he has been consultant for the evaluation of measures applied under the EU Common Agricultural Policy. He is an external expert for the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism. His works have been published in several international books and journals.He is a member of the scientific board of the British Food Journal, Tourism Review International and Sustainability. He is Managing Editor of the "International Food and Agribusiness Management Review" (Scopus and ISI indexed). Coordinator of a Leonardo - Transfer of Innovation Project on “Introducing marketing principles in the agricultural sector” (training.farminc.eu), he has recently co-authored a policy brief for the European Commission on "Food and Gastronomy as elements of regional innovation strategies": https://goo.gl/8yJPwG