Mara Cerquetti is a researcher in Management at the Department of Education, Cultural Heritage and Tourism of the University of Macerata (UniMC). At the same University she teaches Management and Organization of Cultural Institutions and Cultural Heritage Management. She has been a member of the Scientific Committee and Editorial Board of the Journal «Il Capitale Culturale. Studies on the Value of Cultural Heritage» (<http://riviste.unimc.it/index.php/cap-cult>) since 2010. From January to April 2016 she was visiting scholar at the Institute for Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurship (ICCE), Goldsmiths, University of London. Her research and publications focus on cultural management and policy, cultural heritage value, cultural marketing, museum visitor studies, museum management, sustainable tourism and the links between cultural heritage and made in Italy. The results of her research have been presented in several international conferences and published in international journals (Journal of Cultural Management and Policy; Enlightening Tourism; Tourism and Hospitality Management). In 2014 she published the book Marketing museale e creazione di valore. Strategie per l’innovazione dei musei italiani (Museum marketing and value creation. Strategies for innovating Italian museums).