Cultural heritage, Models of thinking, Languages and Memory
This area includes researches and projects which refer at topics such as: history, memory, literature, languages, intercultural competences, different models of critical thinking, interpretative and communicative abilities.
The aim is to deepen and innovate conceptuality, to refine and share knowledge, to develop and test new models, technologies, materials for learning, and to promote civic awareness in a European dimension but also in a very world perspective.
Involving many disciplines, on the one hand the concern is addressed to develop evaluation protocols and then attestation of knowledge and skills, on the other hand to train aware and informed European citizens.
Social awareness and democratic governance need both receptivity and reflexivity, which develop by carrying out critical readings of the many different forms of documentality, even visual, and promoting transnational ways of cooperation for building and sharing knowledge.
- EVAL-IC: Evaluation des compétences en intercompréhension : réception et interactions plurilingues
- A.G.E.: Amnesia Gulag in Europe
- MIRIADI: Mutualisation et Innovation pour un Réseau de l'Intercompréhension à Distance
- OPTIMALE: Optimising professional translator training in a multilingual Europe
- HOL: History on line
- TICASS: Technologies of Imaging in Communication, Art, and Social Sciences
Centre for study and documentation on the history of the University of Macerata
International study centre on History and Archaeology of the Adriatic area (CISA, soon to be established)
Interuniversity centre of Franciscan studies (soon to be established)