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Home Research@UNIMC Vision Excellence The strategy

The strategy

The Human Resources Strategy for Research Associates involves the implementation of the following five steps:

1. Internal analysis to compare practices and internal regulations within the University with the principles of the Charter and Code of Conduct (UNDERWAY FROM JANUARY 2013).

2. Publication of the action plan (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers incorporating the Charter and the Code) aimed at actually aligning the practices and internal regulations within the University with the Principles of the Charter and the Code of Conduct.

3. Acceptance of the aforementioned strategy by the European Commission.

4. Implementation of the strategy by the University and production of at least one internal self-assessment report every two years.

5. External assessment (by the European Commission), which will come about periodically, at least every four years.

To oversee the drafting and implementation of the strategy, a specific work group has been appointed ERT - Excellence in Research Task force, coordinated by prof.ssa Francesca Spigarelli, the dean’s delegate for the implementation of the principles of the European research associates’ charter.

For more information, please refer to the "Useful documents" section.

For further information or to send on suggestions / comments, contact