Andrea Caligiuri, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of International Law at the Department of Law, University of Macerata. His research spans a number of international law fields, with a particular focus on international criminal law, international human rights law and law of the sea. He has published in peer review journals and collections in these fields. He has edited a book in Italian on the obligation aut dedere aut judicare in international law.
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Delio Colangelo holds two master in Tourism Management and Cultural Project Management. He began his collaboration with Eni Enrico Mattei Foundation in 2011 as a researcher in sustainable tourism group. His general research fields are film tourism, destination image, ecotourism.
www.feem.it |
Luca Emanueli Architect, PhD., Professor in Landscape design at the University of Ferrara, Department of Architecture. Director of Sealine, Departmental Research Centre at UniFe. Projects and researches coordinator, general advisor on investigation, design and urban planning of coastal systems. Studying the impact of tourism on metropolitan and landscape contexts his work aims to provide new methodologies, tools and strategies for their smart development.
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Gianni Lobosco Architect, PhDc and Adjunct Lecturer in Architecture and Landscape design at the University of Ferrara, Department of Architecture. Researches coordinator for Sealine, Departmental Research Centre at UniFe. He works on the relationships between mass tourism phenomena and infrastructures focusing on urban reuse strategies, mobility systems, coastal networks, intermodal developments and typological updating of accommodation facilities and services.
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Franco Migliorini, architetto, laurea Venezia 1970 Ricercatore IUAV, Docente contratto Ca’ Foscari, Dirigente Regione Veneto Lunga esperienza progettazione territoriale europea Autore di libri, saggi, opinionista quotidiani Nordest
Laura Pedata Experienced in Environmental Architecture and Sustainable Design, her main interest lies in design research initiatives aimed at the improvement of energy performance in the built environment and in environmental regeneration strategies through observation, analysis and representation of urban landscape conditions and processes over time. She graduated in 2005 at the University of Rome “Sapienza”, school of Architecture “Ludovico Quaroni”. Licensed Architect since 2007. After her degree she founded the architecture office ungroup and took part in numerous national and international architecture competitions.
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Enrico Porfido (19/02/1991) is PhD student of IDAUP - International Doctorate in Architecture and Urban Planning program of Ferrara University and Polis University, Tirana. In 2015 he graduated in Ferrara with a master thesis project developed in Brazil in PUCPR University of Curitiba. The research titled Pais(vi)agem aimed to explore an innovative touristic model, using it as tool for regenerating and protecting the landscape. He studied also at AHO, Oslo school of Architecture and worked in PROAP, a landscape office in Lisbon.
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Loris Rossi Graduated in architecture in 2004 at “La Sapienza” University of Rome, Master degree in Architecture “Ludovico Quaroni”. He was awarded a PhD scholarship in Architectural Composition and Theory at “La Sapienza” and he developed part of his PhD dissertation research at the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of UCLA, in Los Angeles. Since October 2011 he is a Full time Professor at the POLIS University in Tirana (AL), from 2012 till 2013 he was Dean of faculty in Planning and Urban Design.
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