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Home Research@UNIMC Vision Excellence


A strategy to improve the working environment of those conducting research


The strategic objective of the University is to become a centre of excellence on an international level, specialised in socio-humanistic subjects.

Excellence, nevertheless, can be generated and cultivated in working environments in which those conducting research are in a position to be able to develop their own career.

For this reason, in 2005, the University of Macerata signed the European Researchers’ Charter and the Code of Conduct for the employment of researchers. Together, these documents contain a set of general principles that specify the role, the responsibilities and the rights of researchers and the people employing and/or financing researchers, as well as the general principles that should be applied by employers and/or financers when appointing or employing researchers.
It is noteworthy that the Charter and the Code are destined for all researchers in the European Union throughout all the phases of their career, regardless of the type of appointment and occupation.
In order for the principles expressed in the Charter to be effectively implemented, in September 2012, the University made a formal commitment before the European Commission to draft a strategy for the actual implementation of the principles, adhering to the Institutional Human Resources Strategy Group.
The objective is to make the working environment of Macerata more attractive for those already working there, and for those who may come there to work, with a particular focus on the needs of researchers and “young researchers” (PhD students, assignees of study grants, collaborators of various kinds).

To find out more:

- the Strategy (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers - HRS4R)
- Gap analysis
- Strategic action
Internal Review
- Policy of the University of Macerata for the Open, Transparent and Merit-Based Recruitment of Researchers (OTM-R) approved by Academic Senate on 05.10.2017
- the work group ERT (Excellence in Research Task force)
- useful documents